what do we do?
The Flemish Martial Arts Platform functions as an interface between policy and practice. We join forces with federations, gyms, local governments, policymakers and physicians in the pursuit of a healthy, safe and ethically responsible practice of full contact martial arts and the optimisation of their social added value.
As an independent partner, we support, inspire and connect everyone involved in full contact martial arts in Flanders. Looking for information, inspiration or advice to boost martial arts in your area? Then you will undoubtedly find a sparring partner in us, our experts or in our wider network.
Together, we go the extra mile to strengthen the positive image of martial arts and to optimally seize the opportunities these sports have to offer.
our mission
The Flemish Martial Arts Platform is a point of contact and a communication, expertise and support centre for full contact martial arts in Flanders. The platform strives towards a transparent, structured and high-quality practice of martial arts that ensures a medical and ethical responsible participation of each athlete in their martial arts of preference.
We work together with
We operate as a general representative of full contact martial arts. Federations can contact the Platform’s staff with their questions and can find relevant information in the various toolboxes on the Platform’s website. More specific and demand driven support can be offered in several formats, from workshops to partnerships.
Local Governments
We support local governments in various ways. Through an online exploratory interview, we clarify our way of working, address possible questions and discuss how we could be of service to help support full contact martial arts in their region. A whole range of developed advices and tools can be consulted directly in our toolbox for local governments. We also organize theme specific courses (e.g., on martial arts infrastructure, event organization, etc.) or provide tailor-made guidance if requested.
Physicians who would like to get involved, can do so as medical examiner or supervising (ringside) physician at competition events. On our website we display a list with contact information of physicians practicing these functions and want to allow easy access to their information to federations, event organisers or athletes. We also organise regular workshops for physicians and our e-learning for ringside physicians is freely available. In collaboration with our medical committee and the martial arts sector, the Platform developed several recommendations and tools to inform and support physicians in their work in this sector. These recommendations and tools can be consulted in our toolbox for physicians. All medical related questions that the Platform receives, are discussed in the medical committee to formulate the best possible evidence-based answer.
We regularly organise and support activities in cooperation with the federations, of which the gyms with a federation membership are the beneficiaries. The Platform also informs and collaborates with local governments, through which we strive to boost full contact martial arts in general as well. In our toolbox for gyms, gym owners and trainers can find practical advice and tools, aimed at answering frequently asked questions and providing input to strengthen their work.
Each year, we collaborate closely with the ‘Vlaamse Trainersschool’ (Flemish School for Trainers) and the martial arts sector to organise a range of (full contact) martial arts educative courses, to help generate a broader pool of certified martial arts trainers. In addition, we also organise regular supplementary training for trainers or other people involved in the organization of these sports.